Qualified by Christ: A Study Through the Book of Colossians

We will be studying through Paul’s letter to the Colossians in a study titled, Qualified by Christ

Have you ever felt that no matter how hard you tried you just weren’t measuring up? Perhaps it was due to your own self-doubts, or maybe there was someone in your life who made you feel “less than” or subpar. In many ways, the Colossae Christians faced this very issue as false teachers came into the church. But our standing is not based on what we do or don’t do. It is fully founded on the person and work of Jesus Christ!

The Book of Colossians reminds us that we are “complete in Christ.” All that we need to be qualified before God was accomplished by the work of Christ on the cross! Our prayer is that our hearts would be set free to fully live for and serve Christ as we grasp this glorious reality of our standing with God. Come join us!

Register for the Bible study to be included in a small group for discussion on Friday mornings or Tuesday evenings, or our online group. Please select your preference when you register. 

The Bible study lessons are published in a booklet format and are available for purchase at the Joyful Life Bible study or in the Chapel Store.

Bring a friend! Ladies of all ages are welcome.


9:00 AM – 11:45 AM

In the Main Sanctuary from October 2, 2020 – April 30, 2021


9 AM – 10 AM


10:15 – 11:45 AM


11:45 AM & ON

“These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full.” –John 15:11

Tuesday Evenings

7:00 PM – 9:00 PM

 At the Lord’s leading, we are postponing our in-person Joyful Life Bible study until January of 2021.

Beginning on October 6, we will be offering a special online 8-week devotional Bible study through the book of Philippians—The Philippians Challenge by Cheryl Brodersen. We will host a live discussion of the devotional study at 7:00 pm each Tuesday on our Tuesday Evening Joyful Life Facebook page—our first discussion will cover the first week of the homework.

This study is perfect for new believers as well as those who are mature in their faith. We will only cover a few verses each day in a devotional format that will take about 5-minutes per day to complete. We want to take this season to pause and reflect on God’s Word and allow Him to speak to us by taking very small portions each day.

Please set aside the time to join us online, and invite a friend to study with you!

The Philippians Challenge devotional study will be available for purchase as a printed booklet ($5) or an online, downloadable version will be available for free here on our website.

In an effort to be good stewards of our resources, we are currently taking pre-orders for the printed booklets through online registration for the study; this will help us order the right number and not run out of printed booklets. Please register here to let us know if you would like a printed copy, how many you would like to purchase, and if you would prefer to have it shipped directly to your home.

Due to current COVID concerns, our normal Joyful Life groups will not be meeting on campus at this time. However, we will make every effort to connect you with a small group to participate in discussions as the Lord leads. If you would like to meet with a group online or in your community, please make note of this on your registration as well. We will use these registrations to connect you with other like-minded ladies. 


7 – 8 PM


8 – 9 PM


9 PM & ON

This year, we will be exploring 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, and Philemon in a study entitled, Letters to Lead, Live, and Love By. We meet in the Fellowship Hall for a time of worship, a devotional message, and small group discussion of the weekly lesson. 

Bring a friend! Ladies of all ages are welcome.