We just finished an amazing 8-week devotional Bible study through the book of Philippians-The Philippians Challenge by Cheryl Brodersen. Each week we hosted a time of prayer and worship, followed by a live discussion of the study. The Bible study lessons, as well as the archives of the prayer and discussion time are all available here- free! 

This study is perfect for new believers, as well as those who are mature in their faith. We only cover a few verses each day in a devotional format that will take about 5-minutes per day to complete. 


Angie Emma

Our talented Women’s ministry Administrator! Angie is a loving mother, loyal friend, and our go-to-gal for all things editing.

She always has a kind word and warm smile to offer. If you don’t already know and love her, you will after this fall!

Cheryl Brodersen

Our fearless leader! Cheryl is not just our pastor’s wife or the head of our women’s ministry, but the best friend you didn’t know you needed! 

We look forward to getting to spend the fall hanging out with her and digging into God’s Word together. 

Jasmine Alnutt

Our resident theologian! Jasmine works hard behind the scenes writing our lessons, planning our studies, and bringing wisdom to any conversation.

Come glean deep insights and have some good laughs with Jasmine!